Some of the tools on the site are
Full Contact Info, Peoples’ Names, Email Addresses, Street and City Lists and made up addresses for all of North America
Here is a few samples of the data produced from the site:
Merlin Cossey, 4360 Little Apple Pike, Dumbell, Kansas, 66353-8989, US, (316) 814-8601
Alohi Adolph, 2332 Shady Limits, Mohawk, Kansas, 67271-0772, US, (785) 720-0417
Walida Finlayson, 3423 Quaking Corners, Jay Em, Montana, 59857-3672, US, (406) 770-2448
Carlos Duenas, 139 Grand Green, Dakoming, Kansas, 66794-1260, US, (785) 468-1636
Notice that the names are actual first and last names, some of the city names are sometimes silly, but in real life so are the ones that exist. The zip codes and postal codes line up to the correct states and provinces, and so do the area codes used in the telephone numbers. Of course these addresses don’t actually exists and similarities between these peoples names and the addresses would only be coincidental.