Baby Names

Baby Names Resource Website

Baby Names Screen ShotBaby-Names at iGoPayGo is the next latest site that has come about and I think this site has really hit the nail on the head when it comes to minimalistic information that gets right to the meat of baby names. This site states that there is nothing but baby names on the site and it really lives up to its name. Traversing the site I was able to quickly zone in on specific names that I was thinking of using the drop out search bar, made looking for the right baby name some what simple as would be expected. If you are looking for articles about baby’s or what to do with your cranky baby at 3am you may be better to look else where. Kudos that you stuck to your guns and provide the user exactly what they are looking for. I can see a few upgrades needed around the names, but great start.

Contact Info Generators

Contact Info Generator

Fantastic new site that will speed up the testing time that plagues most developers and testers alike. Creating meaningful user data that can be plugged into your tables and not just a bunch of meaningless random characters. User Info Gen have created a sub-domains site here that will create lists of users, with not just meaningful names, but full addresses with realistic cities, states, provinces, postal codes, phone numbers, and zip codes. On top of that there are two additional sections that help with adding the data to a table, with full SQL commands and the ability to add up to 50 listings at a time.