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13 Unlucky Myths that we Continue to Live with in Modern Day Society

It is difficult to believe that some of these myths are held by people, however it is a double edge sword. On one hand it is good to question authority and the status-quo. Even asking questions to find out hidden truths is a good thing, at what point does it become dangerous. Some myths are innocuous and can be rather funny. While on the other hand others can threaten the very existence of life on the planet. (Talking about you anti-vaxers) I have gathered a bit of information on a few of these myths, and also interesting links to get more information about each topic.

1. Flat Earth (Flat Earth Society IFERS)


2. Holocaust denial


3. NASA is hiding another sun


10 Other Myths:

  1. Armageddon, the Apocalypse, the Rapture, Last Judgement, Second Coming – link
  2. That Sandy Hook was a staged fake event. link
  3. Australia doesn’t actually exist. link
  4. Finland doesn’t exist. link
  5. Dollar bills predicted 9/11. link
  6. That vaccines cause autism.
  7. Chemtrails. link
  8. That the Moon landing was faked. link
  9. There’s another Earth-like planet just opposite the Sun. link
  10. Satan created dinosaur bones to make people stray from God. Young Earth Creationists. link