Life Hacks

Life Hack #1 of 90 something – Filling a bucket from a tiny sink

This has probably only happened never in your life, but I had to marvel at the little bit of genius behind this life hack.

Picture of Filling a Bucket in a Tiny Sink

Well here is post one of many to come (90 something). I always interested in seeing what people are able to do with the least amount of stuff. And although I didn’t take any of these pictures or make the comments contained with the pictures, I do have to say I am guilty of quite of few of these. In the days of computers and pretty much everything we ever need is at our fingertips, the need to come up with new inventions is less and less. However, as is the case in the picture to the left, where or why would you ever buy such an item. I do believe that some store somewhere has to sell something of this nature. Probably regular and deluxe versions, that would retail for the $9.99 for a regular, and $14.99 for a deluxe piece of plastic. But you have to marvel at the brilliance of such a devices that are created out of shear necessity and a little ingenuity (Maybe throw in a bit of cheapness also). I will be posting these tid-bitsĀ  every once and a while I get the urge to. Feel free to leave a comment saying if this saved you in some way or you are the originator of the devices.


Stuff required to make this work:

1 – Dust Pan

1 – Tiny Sink and Facet (water hopefully)

1 – Bucket to be filled (with said water)

I give this device an overall score of 3.2/5

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