
Twitter Application – Getting feeds from Twitter

Twitter has disabled the ability to easily retrieve Twitter Feeds, it is now more difficult than ever to get a proper feed. This is my list of steps that I use when setting up an application to retrieve that feed. First you have to understand that Twitter uses OAuth which requires four types keys to authenticate users. These are the steps to create those key.

First step is to log into the development area of Twitter.


Limelight Disable FlashPlayer for HTML5 Player

Well to get back to the roots of the site (tech) for a bit, here is something very interesting that happened while trying to force Limelight to use the HTML5 player on a site. One caveat is that Firefox does not support MP4 which is what Limelight uses when Flash is not available. Currently at the time of me writing this article Firefox does not support MP4, however they should be supporting this very soon, and are just awaiting a 3rd party package first.

Life Life Hacks

Life Hack #5 of 90, Wooden Spoon Boil Over

When you eat as much pasta as I do and are the one in charge of boiling the pasta, it is almost inevitable that a boil over will happen, and with life hack number 5 on our list they may just occur less frequent.

Funny Life

100 Wise Sayings (Part 3 of 5)

Here we go for the third of a five part series of wise sayings. This is not my list nor do I take credit for any of these, please enjoy responsibly.

60. Never answer the phone at the dinner table.

59. Thank the bus driver.

58. Look people in the eye when you thank them.

57. If you offer help don’t quit until the job is done.

Funny Life

100 Wise Sayings (Part 2 of 5)

Again this is another installment of a five part series of wise sayings. This is not my list nor do I take credit for any of these, other than the fact that I found these interesting and wish to pass them on to others. Enjoy:

80. The opposite sex likes people who shower.

79. Don’t be the talker in a movie.

78. Be patient with airport secuity. They are just doing their job.

77. Carry your mother’s  bags. She carried you for 9 months.

76. In college always sit in the front. You’ll stand out immediately. Come grade time it might come in handy.

Life Life Hacks

Life Hack #4 of 90, Cell Phone Light


Use your cellphone light underneath a water bottle to make a lantern that distributes light better than the direct beam. Coloured liquids make the light look cool.

As a side note this reminded me of an article about low cost housing in the Philippines, that they use clear bottles filled with bleach and water anchored in the ceiling to provide light within the homes. The plastic water bottles provide free light with an output of about 55W. It takes five minutes to make, and using a hammer, rivet, metal sheets, sandpaper and epoxy, it costs $1 to produce.

Stuff required to make this work:

1 – Cellphone with camera light

1 – Coloured bottle of water

I give this device an overall score of 2/5


Funny Life

100 Wise Sayings (Part 1 of 5)

This is not my list nor do I take credit for any of these. As far as I can tell they are pretty anonymous, and pretty close to a poster I once saw in my doctors office about 100 ways to live longer.

Here are the first 20 in a five part series.

100. If you have to fight, punch first and punch hard.

99. Being old is not dictated by your bedtime.

98. Make Goals.

97. Smile at strangers.

96.Your dance moves might not be the best, but I promise making a fool of yourself is more fun tahn sitting alone on the bench.

95. Know the words to your national anthem.

94. Ladies, if you make the decision to wear heels on the first date commit to keeping them on and keeping your mouth shut about how much your feet kill.

93. You are never too old to need your mother.

Funny Puns

Puns are fun – Punography

Always love a good pun, you be the judge.

  • I tried to catch some Fog. I mist.
  • When chemists die, they barium.
  • Joke about German sausages are the wurst.
  • A soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.
  • I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop anytime.
  • How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.

The Power of Your Mind at its Best, Can you Read this?

This text in the image below is somewhat jumbled, but if you let your mind work on it, you can almost read this at normal speed and will probably make you smile when you figure out how your mind can decipher. Below is the translation of what is in the image.

A paragraph that has its letters jumbled slightly

Life Taxes

“Fiscal Cliff”; The Federal Budget simplfied to a Household Budget

Obviously simplifying the federal budget down to household terms doesn’t make a lot of sense since both have very different needs, however one common need between the two is to create a fiscally responsible budget. I found this sign posted and even though it simplifies things down to numbers that are far easier to read, I am posting this without any seriousness, and purely as it made me laugh.

Lesson #1

  • U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
  • Federal Budget: $3, 820,000,000,000
  • New Debt: $1,650,000,000,000
  • National Debt: $14,271,000,000,000
  • Recent Budget Cuts: $ 38,500,000,000